This week has gone good so far. I have to keep up with projects and assignments for my classes and then we have season coming up and our first official game is on Monday and I'm really nervous. My classes have been good so far I just don't like some classes like English and PE. I don't like to read a lot, so you can figure out why I don't like English. I don't like PE because I don't like run. Ok I'm done bye.
My first few days at HPIAM was pretty cool. At first I thought it was going to be similar to middle school but I was totally wrong. First of all we have to have block schedule and be in classes for an hour and 30 minutes. But I guess its okay. They expect a lot from you here and they ask for so many materials. I have to be carrying around 2 binders and a bunch of notebooks. I experienced a lot of new things here. So I guess high school wasn't as bad as i thought it was going to be. Even though it's barely been the second week I'm already enjoying it.