Duties and Responsibilities: A kinesiologist is responsible for the study of body movements and kinetics. They identify how the body works and moves and how it can function better. Some duties they might do are help patients with physical injuries, help with healing techniques, they demonstrate proper muscle movement to make sure they are no physical injuries, etc.
Athletic Trainer ($44,670)
Physical Therapist ($84,020)
Recreational Therapist ($45,890)
Education: An education requirement for this career is having a Bachelor’s in Science in Kinesiology or other related health area. Undergraduate course topics cover human anatomy, physiology, biology, physics, chemistry, exercise science and biomechanics.
Demand for this Profession: The job outlook for this job is growing by 34% and is projected to grow much faster. There are open positions for physical therapists. This may also apply to coaches because they help athletes prevent injuries.
Reflection: I would like to be one because it would be really cool to study about the different parts of the body and how it works. It would be cool to help others with their injury and give them information about their body.
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