Operating Room Technician
Salary: $41,032 - $49,103
Education: If wanting to become a Operating Room Technician a high school diploma would do to take training programs for this specific field. Earning an associate's degree or a bachelor's degree would get you a better position on the job. Example of course topics they may take are; patient care techniques, anatomy and physiology, surgical procedures and other courses. Students need to pass the certification exam, after continue their education. This would also require some training in the operating room.
Demand or Need for this Profession: This profession is expected to increase by 15% by each year. This is growing faster than average medical careers. Many open positions are available.
Reflection: I wouldn’t want to be a operating room technician because i feel like it would be a lot of pressure to work with a patient and diagnosing certain parts of the body. I just wouldn’t work good with it.
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